The Kinder Surprise Experiment is scientifically conducted by the two physicists and Kinder Surprise Egg lovers Giovanna and Danilo. The purpose of the experiment is to analyze the variety of Kinder Surprise embedded toys and possibly the variance of them when related to geographical location. All results will be published here on an (almost) daily basis.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Addendum to Experiment No.6

Addendums, that is corrections, are no new thing in this reality. Even scientific writings are not immune to their appearance.

As a matter of fact, the experimenter behind these words does indeed appreciate (as should all of you dear readers) the existence of addendums, as they allow scientific findings to be closer and closer to the absolute values.

With this intro about addendums we jump to the one relating to the statistical approximation mentioned in experimental report No.6 - section II, subsection iv.

There, it was maintained that on the order of 1000 purchases will be necessary for completion of the series (12 character is all). But, after recent discovery of another cyber figurine, the forementioned number must be adjusted to 624.

This however does not change the overall result for Experiment No.6, as the lowering of the average has its positive and negative consequences just like the introduction of any other new variable to the process.

always impartial experimenter Danilo