The Kinder Surprise Experiment is scientifically conducted by the two physicists and Kinder Surprise Egg lovers Giovanna and Danilo. The purpose of the experiment is to analyze the variety of Kinder Surprise embedded toys and possibly the variance of them when related to geographical location. All results will be published here on an (almost) daily basis.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Experiment No.6 - Cyber What???

Location - From the perspective of an Ocean and a Lake: East of Atlantic, North of Ontario

Upon opening of this KSE capsule, it has been determined that geographical variance equates to zero when immunity to existence of solid (no assembly required) figurines is considered. But, only once all the factors are analyze will it be known how does this surprise rate amongst its compatriots.

I) Design Issues
i) Material - very light plastic; hence this toy lacks sturdiness although it is envisioned to be a immobile piece. Also, poor quality of plastic gives this toy a cheap look - something a figurine should posses. Mark: 2/10
ii) Colouring Scheme - an immense array of colours graces this toy. Individually considered they would not inflict negative comments; however, having this palette on a very small surface area - one would think the colouring scheme escaped from fashion jail. Mark: 0/10
iii) Details - Considering that other design elements got little if any care, it was only rational to have some creative energy go into this department. Being 100% better done than (i) and (ii) this section gets: 10/10

II) Series

i) Characters - Plentiful! and then some. Namely, there are 12 pieces and as much they are all different, they do not offer amazing variation that is to be expected in an encounter with beings from another world, story, etc. (Just remember Masters of the Universe) Mark: 3/10
ii) Story - A blurb explaining the background is present. But it ends with 3 dots and one must depend on imagination to fit pre-set characters in some sensible playful story. This venture would be manageable if it was not for the immense amount of unknown characters. Mark: 3/10

iii) Personality - Each character seems to be described up to the point. Good or bad - a Gaussian middle for sure: 5/10
iv) Collecting - Statistical approximation warrants the conclusion that around 1000 purchases will be necessary for the completion of this series. Certainly a good business ploy, but a frustrating situation for the player/collector. Another middle: 5/10

III) Toyfulness
This toy is immobile, or in more accurate words the legs are connected to the base. Hence, one may use it only as an ornament and that is not sufficient to a kid. Mark: 0/10

IV) Usefulness One of forced nature (please see above). Hindered by quality and overall look. Mark: 2/10

Overall Mark: 2.5/10

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