Friday, October 04, 2013
2013 Rant - KS Story thus far (and unfortunately - it appears - onward)
This year Kinder has graced us with yet another overload of banal and almost totally irrelevant toys.
=> Little things to be thrown.
Not in the garbage shoot/bin; the KS they do not want you to do that. But, instead: from one kid to another.
[However, the argument can be made for the former option]
Whatever happened with the good old toys suitable for personal/solo playing!?
Where are the little cars that wind-up and drive themselves for a meter or two?, little planes that are simply not theoretical models of one, but ones that you need to attach wheels, and wings to, and connect the body with the tail?
Instead, we are into the realm of little "planes", little frisbees, little ball-like thingies, some little (but larger than the egg itself, naturally) this, some little that. All about passing the thing from one hand to another.
However, and this is the central issue of this toyistic problem: kids DO NOT play with KSE toys like this - not outside, not indoors.
If they do, then - they are doing it in hiding; maybe because it is simply embarrassing to be seen with them.
[via observational inquiry into and of the regularly used daily reality]
In line with the set-up of experimental exploration with which this blog occupies itself: it was noticed that the quality still is higher in Europe (tested sample: Germany) than in Canada. But, not in the sense that the toys are better there.
At least they do not seem to be right now.
Instead, they are less flimsy, and the quality of the construction material is better.
It is not surprising that KS keep on surprising us, but reality of troublesome kinder surprises is upon us indeed. More will be said about this dramatic, and unexpected, turn of events.
Right now it is preferable to play with the yellow capsule like suggested below; as this offers more fun and giggles than anything found within the KS.
It is important to note that other shocking things have happened within the KS world this year, but we will get to them. And the year is not over yet.
Danilo - Chief 1/2 of the Experimenting Team
=> Little things to be thrown.
Not in the garbage shoot/bin; the KS they do not want you to do that. But, instead: from one kid to another.
[However, the argument can be made for the former option]
Whatever happened with the good old toys suitable for personal/solo playing!?
Where are the little cars that wind-up and drive themselves for a meter or two?, little planes that are simply not theoretical models of one, but ones that you need to attach wheels, and wings to, and connect the body with the tail?
Instead, we are into the realm of little "planes", little frisbees, little ball-like thingies, some little (but larger than the egg itself, naturally) this, some little that. All about passing the thing from one hand to another.
However, and this is the central issue of this toyistic problem: kids DO NOT play with KSE toys like this - not outside, not indoors.
If they do, then - they are doing it in hiding; maybe because it is simply embarrassing to be seen with them.
[via observational inquiry into and of the regularly used daily reality]
In line with the set-up of experimental exploration with which this blog occupies itself: it was noticed that the quality still is higher in Europe (tested sample: Germany) than in Canada. But, not in the sense that the toys are better there.
At least they do not seem to be right now.
Instead, they are less flimsy, and the quality of the construction material is better.
It is not surprising that KS keep on surprising us, but reality of troublesome kinder surprises is upon us indeed. More will be said about this dramatic, and unexpected, turn of events.
Right now it is preferable to play with the yellow capsule like suggested below; as this offers more fun and giggles than anything found within the KS.
It is important to note that other shocking things have happened within the KS world this year, but we will get to them. And the year is not over yet.
Danilo - Chief 1/2 of the Experimenting Team