The Kinder Surprise Experiment is scientifically conducted by the two physicists and Kinder Surprise Egg lovers Giovanna and Danilo. The purpose of the experiment is to analyze the variety of Kinder Surprise embedded toys and possibly the variance of them when related to geographical location. All results will be published here on an (almost) daily basis.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Non-analytical Note => Announcement

Dear inquisitive minds who have stumbled (purposefully or accidentally) onto this location in the realm of webistic excursions of the mind // to be more exact - those of you who care about the issue of current vs. former state of KSE's and are reading this report like some other analytical reports present here:

Note that this will not be and is not an analytical report.
The title indicates as much.
And adds that something will be announced.

That something is the following:

Experimentational Analysis of KS toys has been conducted upon the factor (guideline) of organized randomness so far. In the sense that typically 1 egg per carton was picked and its internal quality assessed.

Such method was qualified as appropriate on the basis that:
a) Kinder Surprise Eggs are produced seasonally; i.e. every year a specific batch is offered
b) Nature of KSE purchases in general is a random choice from the displayed carton
c) Necessity lays in emphasizing how random picking of present-day eggs yields a likely dissatisfaction in comparison to equivalently conducted purchases in the past.

Such procedure will be continued.

Furthermore, and as a conclusion to the previously mentioned abc's, the factor of geographical variance has been chosen as the underlying nature of the project; in order to determine if the changes (past vs. present) are being experienced globally.

So far Italian and Canadian KS eggs were predominantly analyzed.
But the expansion is in the works.

As such, it is my pleasure to announce that:

1. The following countries' offers are already being analyzed in the Kinder Surprise Experiment HQ

2. This set is in the process of acquisition

and finally

3. This a list of countries being negotiated

It is expected and hoped-for that other countries will be added to the list of crucial experimental procedures in KSE HQ.

Thanks to all the research assistants, and best of insights to all the readers.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Analysis of a Grecian Offering to the KS Experiment

While the announced is being waited on (photo proofs are on their way), other things trickled in, and rather to put them in the backfill, where space is getting to be more crammed as each day passes - I bring it out in the open.

However, a little prologue is required.

Namely, experimenting is a dynamic field. It is always good to have a partner, and then there is the administration, and a supervisor, and supporting cast/research assistants: maybe fellow experimenters, maybe those cherishing the higher (read: objective) form of truth.

It is that in needed expansionary and almost-all encompassing modes of experimentation that Experimentista Danilo decided to seek assistance.

The most recent one came in the help of Dragana via her friend, who provided me with the insight into the current Hellenic affairs.

Namely, an egg from those parts was sought, and one was bought. Of course, it would have been over-the-top and absolutely unnecessary (if chocolate-thirst is put aside) that the egg in whole would reach the KSE HQ. After all, it would have melted on the way, and that would have most likely affected the analysis.

Instead, the agile research assistant provided us with high-quality photographic evidence of the "find"; which, it should be noted was not a Kinder Surprise Egg, but an alternate option - "Kinder Joy".

This KS product is similar to standard egg insomuch that the chocolate tastes the same (stomach witness on hand), and that the toy is alike all others.


Not much more should be said, but professional course KSE HQ decided to take, forces us to endure the shock, and carry on.

Namely, KJ consists of a chocolate covered set of 2 halves: So, that the toy and its "manual" were appropriated in two containers, instead of the usual one. Not a big difference, and basically the only one if one considers the plastified outer shell as a 1st cousin to the foil that encloses the chocolate of KS eggs.

For the rest, Kinder Joy does not seem to offer much of the supposedly inherent joy. The obtained toy, although one would expect much from a special line of Kinder production, was nothing but a regular piece. A "musical note-person", from a very large set that spans more than do-re-mi-fi-so-la-si-do. Rather unimpressive (regardless of the collectionary issue at stake once again), as one would really wish to obtain something joyous and not so regular from a special offer.

Grecian gods may or may not be displeased, but the joy of a kid opening something that has an intriguing ? sign all over the package will certainly lack in this case. As such, poor mark must be given, and a poor mark is therefore assigned.

Glossary of terms:
Mark = a measure of merit
Grecian/Hellenic - originating and coming from Greece
Poor = low in quality
Quality - a measure of objective respect appropriated for a specific KS item

Signing off,
D the E

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Investigative Conclusion

KSEs are not a product of Big Brother (of the Orwellian kind), and thus notion that 1+2=3 is not prohibited. And considering that logic is the basis for 1 and 2, then a combination of these should not give a result that is any less so.

Namely, as it was shown in 2 posts ( IR No.1 - Aug 19, 2006 and IR No.2 - Sept 24, 2006 ), sets and need for collecting these, are the predominant notions in the world of KSEs as well as in other "surprise" eggs.

Why!? Question, regardless of its depth, cannot be answered in concrete terms because the choice of such production is behind closed doors. However, the answer can be approximated by the assessment of the driving force - the economics of profitability.

In the world of consumer production, in order to guarantee a profitable reaction each action must be of the lure-type; i.e. it must increase the possibility that the buyer will return.

And recognizing the latest human trend: the need for completeness, Kinder Surprise production team worked it out that it is appropriately wise to offer toys that interconnect and are "more" interesting when fully brothered/sistered-up; or even to simply indicate that such and such toy has 2-3 more of compatriots. So that if you love a boat, or a car, or a bird with magnifying lens, or a tree (what was Kinder thinking in this case!?), or a monster, or a ghost on wheels, or a knight with a tent, or an alien, or unlikely members of a castle - you will certainly like to get the other 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or however many there are, albeit the fact that they look very much alike.

The following examples nicely illustrate the point. Clockwise: 1.3 Boats 2.Monster House 3.4 Knights with Tents 4.2 Magnifying Lenses 5.Castle People

This is truly a sad, and yet consistent, state of affairs. There was not a single toy I have received in the last 2 years that was not attached to a set of a kind. If my memory serves me well - special sets existed only as a special treat and with special characters. If a car was received - there was never an announcement that there is another one in that year's batch. And for a good reason! Actually, for a truly definitely very good reason - each toy was a surprise! That is the essence of these little ones. They still are, but less so. As it can be understood that there are 6 more monsters, 2 more boats, 3 more knights, etc.

Do you want to lower the surprising effect of the surprise or to experience such a thing? I certainly do not, and would expect every KS lover to be of the same opinion. Yet, either we are at a mercy of our beloved item, or we simply stopped caring, or worst yet! our apetites indeed have changed and we appreciate a collectionary role rather than that of a player.

Shame for and shame on both parties.

Danilo - Chief of 1 half of the Experimenting Team